Search Results - García de Enterría, Eduardo
Eduardo García de Enterría
Eduardo García de Enterría y Martínez-Carande (27 April 1923 – 16 September 2013) was a Spanish jurist and a major contributor to the research and teaching of Public Law in Spain. In 1984, he was awarded the Prince of Asturias Award for Social Sciences for his "important research and teaching work".Born in Ramales de la Victoria, province of Santander (current Cantabria), he studied law at the Universities of Barcelona and Madrid, where he obtained his Doctoral Degree, cum laude. Later, he continued his studies at the Universities of London and Jena.
In 1947, he became a lawyer for the Spanish Council of State, later obtaining the chair of Administrative Law at the University of Valladolid (1957). He joined the law faculty at the Complutense University of Madrid in 1962 where, from 1970, he was the head of the department. From 1988 he was Professor Emeritus at the Free College of University Emeriti in Madrid.
He was the first Spanish judge on the European Court of Human Rights in Strassbourg, where he served from April, 1978 to February, 1986. He also presided over the ''Fédération International pour le Droit Européen'' (FIDE); founded and presided over the ''Spanish Association for the Study of European Law'', and took part in the Academic Council of the ''European Law Research Center'' at Harvard Law School.
He co-founded and was the first Vice-President of the "World Society of Friends of Jorge Luis Borges" and the "International Can Mossenya Foundation - Friends of J. L. Borges" In 1974, he established the ''Revista Española de Derecho Administrativo'' and was its director until his death. He was also on the editorial staff of several other Spanish periodicals and journals, as well as the ''Yearbook of European Law'' and the ''European Review of Public Law''.
His law office in Madrid has helped to develop the procedures for creating and registering NGOs. He also participated in several commissions formed to draft Spanish laws; including the Spanish Constitution of 1978. Provided by Wikipedia
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Sobre la imprescriptibilidad del dominio público / by García de Enterría, Eduardo
Published 1954Call Number: Loading…
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Sobre la ejecutoriedad inmediata de las medidas cautelares recurridas en casación : una reflexión rectificativa / by García de Enterría, Eduardo
Published 2000Call Number: Loading…
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La doctrina de los actos propios y el sistema de la lesividad / by García de Enterría, Eduardo
Published 1956Call Number: Loading…
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Aspectos de la administración consultiva / by García de Enterría, Eduardo
Published 1957Call Number: Loading…
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Observaciones sobre el fundamento de la inderogabilidad singular de los reglamentos / by García de Enterría, Eduardo
Published 1958Call Number: Loading…
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Seminario organizado por las Naciones Unidas en Estocolmo sobre <<los recursos judiciales o de otra índole contra el ejercicio abusivo del poder administrativo>> / by García de Enterría, Eduardo
Published 1962Call Number: Loading…
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Recurso contencioso directo contra disposiciones reglamentarias y recurso previo de reposición / by García de Enterría, Eduardo
Published 1959Call Number: Loading…
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La lucha contra las inmunidades del poder en el derecho administrativo : poderes discrecionales, poderes de gobierno, poderes normativos / by García de Enterría, Eduardo
Published 1962Call Number: Loading…
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Reflexiones sobre la ley y los principios generales del derecho en el derecho administrativo / by García de Enterría, Eduardo
Published 1963Call Number: Loading…
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El principio de la interpretación más favorable al derecho del administrado al enjuiciamiento jurisdiccional de los actos administrativos / by García de Enterría, Eduardo
Published 1963Call Number: Loading…
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Dictamen sobre interpretación de una concesión hidroeléctrica en relación con el beneficio del procedimiento de expropiación urgente / by García de Enterría, Eduardo
Published 1964Call Number: Loading…
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Estudio para el proyecto de estatuto de RENFE / by García de Enterría, Eduardo
Published 1965Call Number: Loading…
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Sobre silencio administrativo y recurso contencioso / by García de Enterría, Eduardo
Published 1965Call Number: Loading…
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Dictamen sobre legalidad de ordenanzas municipales sobre uso del suelo y edificación / by García de Enterría, Eduardo
Published 1966Call Number: Loading…
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Expropiación forzosa y devaluación monetaria / by García de Enterría, Eduardo
Published 1976Call Number: Loading…
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Algunas reflexiones sobre el derecho administrativo norteamericano : (a propósito de una nueva exposición sistemática del mismo) / by García de Enterría, Eduardo
Published 2014Call Number: Loading…
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Los principios de la organización del urbanismo / by García de Enterría, Eduardo
Published 1978Call Number: Loading…
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El ordenamiento estatal y los ordenamientos autonómicos : sistema de relaciones / by García de Enterría, Eduardo
Published 1983Call Number: Loading…
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In memoriam : Luis Jordana de Pozas / by García de Enterría, Eduardo
Published 1984Call Number: Loading…
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Las leyes del artículo 150.2 de la constitución como instrumento de ampliación del ámbito competencial autonómico / by García de Enterría, Eduardo
Published 1988Call Number: Loading…
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