Search Results - Amnesty International

Amnesty International

Amnesty International, 19 March 2011 Amnesty International (also referred to as Amnesty or AI) is an international non-governmental organization focused on human rights, with its headquarters in the United Kingdom. The organization says it has more than ten million members and supporters around the world. The stated mission of the organization is to campaign for "a world in which every person enjoys all of the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights instruments." The organization has played a notable role on human rights issues due to its frequent citation in media and by world leaders.

AI was founded in London in 1961 by the lawyer Peter Benenson. In what he called "The Forgotten Prisoners" and "An Appeal for Amnesty", which appeared on the front page of the British newspaper ''The Observer'', Benenson wrote about two students who toasted to freedom in Portugal and four other people who had been jailed in other nations because of their beliefs. AI's original focus was prisoners of conscience, with its remit widening in the 1970s, under the leadership of Seán MacBride and Martin Ennals, to include miscarriages of justice and torture. In 1977, it was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. In the 1980s, its secretary general was Thomas Hammarberg, succeeded in the 1990s by Pierre Sané. In the 2000s, it was led by Irene Khan.

Amnesty draws attention to human rights abuses and campaigns for compliance with international laws and standards. It works to mobilize public opinion to generate pressure on governments where abuse takes place. Provided by Wikipedia
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  1. 1

    Hacer los derechos realidad taller de educación en derechos humanos para periodistas /

    Published 2006
    “…Amnesty International…”
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    Libros Digitales
  2. 2

    Usan una estrategia de miedo : protección del derecho a la protesta en Brasil.

    Published 2014
    “…Amnesty International…”
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    Libros Digitales
  3. 3

    Al borde de la muerte : violencia contra las mujeres y prohibición del aborto en El Salvador.

    Published 2014
    “…Amnesty International…”
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    Libros Digitales
  4. 4

    La minería en Guatemala : derechos en peligro.

    Published 2014
    “…Amnesty International…”
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    Libros Digitales
  5. 5

    Fuera de control : tortura y otros malos tratos en México.

    Published 2014
    “…Amnesty International…”
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    Libros Digitales
  6. 6

    Bienvenidos al fuego del infierno : tortura y otros malos tratos en Nigeria.

    Published 2014
    “…Amnesty International…”
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    Libros Digitales
  7. 7

    Vidas a la deriva : personas refugiadas y migrantes en el mediterráneo central.

    Published 2014
    “…Amnesty International…”
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    Libros Digitales
  8. 8

    "¡Déjennos en paz!" : la población civil, víctima del conflicto armado interno de Colombia /

    Published 2008
    “…Amnesty International…”
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    Libros Digitales
  9. 9

    Juicios justos : manual de Amnistía Internacional.

    Published 2014
    “…Amnesty International…”
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    Libros Digitales
  10. 10

    Injusticia e impunidad deficiencias en el sistema de justicia penal mexicano /

    Published 2007
    “…Amnesty International…”
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    Libros Digitales
  11. 11

    Terror y contraterror la defensa de nuestros derechos humanos /

    Published 2006
    “…Amnesty International…”
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    Libros Digitales
  12. 12

    Compilación de principios globales para el control de las transferencias de armas

    Published 2006
    “…Amnesty International…”
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    Libros Digitales
  13. 13

    Stonewall seguir exigiendo respeto abusos policiales contra lesbianas, gays, bisexuales y personas transgénero en Estados Unidos /

    Published 2006
    “…Amnesty International…”
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    Libros Digitales
  14. 14

    Estados Unidos de América refugio de torturadores /

    Published 2002
    “…Amnesty International…”
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    Libros Digitales
  15. 15

    Cómo utilizar el derecho penal internacional para impulsar reformas legislativas que incorporen la perspectiva de género

    Published 2005
    “…Amnesty International…”
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    Libros Digitales
  16. 16

    Los efectos de las armas en la vida de las mujeres una introducción a los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales /

    Published 2005
    “…Amnesty International…”
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    Libros Digitales
  17. 17

    Derechos humanos para la dignidad humana una introducción a los derechos económicos, sociales y culturales /

    Published 2005
    “…Amnesty International…”
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    Libros Digitales
  18. 18

    Tribunales penales internacionales manual sobre cooperación de los gobiernos /

    Published 1997
    “…Amnesty International…”
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    Libros Digitales
  19. 19

    Refugiados los derechos humanos no tienen fronteras /

    Published 1997
    “…Amnesty International…”
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    Libros Digitales
  20. 20

    La mutilación genital femenina y los derechos humanos infibulación, excisión y otras prácticas cruentas de iniciación /

    Published 1998
    “…Amnesty International…”
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    Libros Digitales