Search Results - Pauwels, Louis

Louis Pauwels

Louis Pauwels (; 2 August 1920 – 28 January 1997) was a French journalist and writer.

Born in Paris, France, he wrote in many monthly literary French magazines as early as 1946 (including ''Esprit'' and ''Variété'') until the 1950s. He participated in the foundation of ''Travail et Culture'' (''Work and Culture'') in 1946 (intended to spread culture to the masses, and of which he was the secretary). In 1948, he joined the work groups of G. I. Gurdjieff for 15 months, until he became editor in chief of ''Combat'' in 1949 and editor of the newspaper ''Paris-Presse''. He directed (among others) the ''Bibliothèque Mondiale'' (''Worldwide Library'') (the precursor of "Livre de Poche" ["Pocket Books"]), ''Carrefour'' (''Intersection''), the monthly women's ''Marie Claire'' and the magazine ''Arts et Culture'' in 1952. Provided by Wikipedia
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    Los últimos días de la monogamia by Havas, Laslo, Pauwels, Louis

    Published 1971
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