Search Results - Varo, Francisco
Francisco Varo
Francisco Varo (October 4, 1627 – January 31, 1687) was a Spanish Dominican friar, missionary in China, and author of the second grammar of Mandarin Chinese in a western language, "Arte de la lengua mandarina" (1703). His Chinese names were Wan Fangjige ( Vuán Fāng Çhí kǒ) and Wan Jiguo (). Provided by Wikipedia- Showing 1 - 3 results of 3
Pentateuco y libros históricos / by Varo, Francisco
Published 2016Call Number: Loading…
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Números by Varo, Francisco
Published 2008Call Number: Loading…
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La Biblia en su entorno / by Carbajosa Pérez, Ignacio
Published 2013Other Authors:Call Number: Loading…
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