Search Results - University Press

  1. 61

    The epic of latin american literature by Torres-Ríoseco, Arturo

    Published 1964
    “…University of California Press…”
    Ver en el OPAC del Koha
  2. 62

    Amazonian cosmos the sexual and religious symbolism of the Tukano Indians by Reichel-Dolmatoff, Gerardo

    Published 1968
    “…University of Chicago Press…”
    Ver en el OPAC del Koha
  3. 63

    Historia de Grecia by Clogg, Richard, Aixendri Boneu, Helena, tr

    Published 1998
    “…Cambridge University Press…”
    Ver en el OPAC del Koha
  4. 64

    History of the primates an introduction to the study of fossil man by Clark, Wilfrid E. Le Gros

    Published 1959
    “…University of Chicago Press…”
    Ver en el OPAC del Koha
  5. 65

    Agricultural involution the process of ecological change by Geertz, Clifford

    Published 1970
    “…University of California Press…”
    Ver en el OPAC del Koha
  6. 66

    Social mobility in industrial society by Lipset, Seymour Martin, Bendix, Reinhard

    Published 1964
    “…University of California Press…”
    Ver en el OPAC del Koha
  7. 67

    The making of psychological anthropology by Spindler, George, ed

    Published 1978
    “…University of California Press…”
    Ver en el OPAC del Koha
  8. 68

    The human animal by La Barre, Weston

    Published 1954
    “…The University of Chicago Press…”
    Ver en el OPAC del Koha
  9. 69

    An introduction to Brazil by Wagley, Charles

    Published 1963
    “…Columbia University Press…”
    Ver en el OPAC del Koha
  10. 70

    Brazil the land and people by Poppino, Rollie E.

    Published 1968
    “…Oxford University Press…”
    Ver en el OPAC del Koha
  11. 71

    Field work an introduction to the social sciences by Junker, Buford H.

    Published 1972
    “…University of Chicago Press…”
    Ver en el OPAC del Koha
  12. 72

    Method and theory in american archaeology by Willey, Gordon R., Phillips, Philip

    Published 1958
    “…The University of Chicago Press…”
    Ver en el OPAC del Koha
  13. 73

    Excess and restraint social control among a New Guinea mountain people by Berndt, Ronald M.

    Published 1962
    “…The University of Chicago Press…”
    Ver en el OPAC del Koha
  14. 74

    Man the tool-maker by Oakley, Kenneth Page

    Published 1957
    “…University of Chicago Press…”
    Ver en el OPAC del Koha
  15. 75

    A primitive mexican economy by Foster, George M.

    Published 1966
    “…University of Washington Press…”
    Ver en el OPAC del Koha
  16. 76

    Economics and prestige in a maya community the religious cargo system in Zinacantan by Cancian, Frank

    Published 1965
    “…Stanford University Press…”
    Ver en el OPAC del Koha
  17. 77

    St. Denis a French-Canadian Parish by Miner, Horace

    Published 1963
    “…University of Chicago Press…”
    Ver en el OPAC del Koha
  18. 78

    Myth a symposium by Sebeok, Thomas A, ed

    Published 1965
    “…Indiana University Press…”
    Ver en el OPAC del Koha
  19. 79

    Man, culture and society by Shapiro, Harry L., ed

    Published 1962
    “…Oxford University Press…”
    Ver en el OPAC del Koha
  20. 80

    African systems of kinship and marriage by Radcliffe-Brown, Alfred R., ed, Forde, Cyril Daryll, ed

    Published 1958
    “…Oxford University Press…”
    Ver en el OPAC del Koha