Search Results - second (international OR internacional)

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    The consumer's selection in the city of Posadas by Tañski, Nilda

    Published 2003
    “…With this new model, a segment was obtained which represents natural productsconsumers and its counterpart of artificial products, referring in the first case to those that tend that the consumer have immediate satisfactions that contribute towards a better quality of life and in the second case to those other consumptions that give a more immediate satisfaction, but in detriment tothe quality of life in the short term.It was observed to be a perfectly applicable model and that consumers should be trained and made conscious of it, as the results demonstrate that they tend towards that attitude, because consumers tend to modify their consumption habits; it is also observed that an important factor that culture, impacts in the constitution of this segment.This consumer segment will act in a more stimulated way by the internal motivations, compared with those of past time. …”
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    What makes a techno-scientific development fashionable and another one out of date? A comparative study of two BioSidus projects by Seijo, Gustavo L., Fressoli, Marinao, Blugerman, Leopoldo

    Published 2016
    “…On the other hand, the second project under analysis is the Gene Therapy whereby an injected plasmid (a small DNA molecule) contributed to the re-construction of the internal walls of the blood vessels of a patient (ischemia). …”
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    Strategic management as management tool by Lana, Rogelio Adilson

    Published 2007
    “…The second step is to define the organization guidelines, in which the management determines the goals and objectives that should be reached. …”
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